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Brandon Williamson began his career in ballistics at H.P. White Laboratory.  Brandon’s first experience at H.P. White began in 2003 when he assisted in U.S. State Department Forced entry testing.  At this time Brandon was attending Towson University studying Business and Marketing.


After proving himself a fast learner and a dependable employee, Brandon began working at the Laboratory part time while finishing his Bachelor’s degree at Towson University.    He worked on a variety of projects at the laboratory including body armor testing, helmet testing, hard armor testing, and military programs.  Brandon went on to graduate from Towson University with his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing.


In 2007, Brandon became a range supervisor responsible for the entire NIJ program at the laboratory.   This was an important era for the laboratory as it underwent a major expansion.  Brandon was responsible for training and managing all range personnel.  In addition to the expansion, Brandon was instrumental in transitioning the laboratory capabilities to perform the new NIJ 0101.06 body armor test standard.  Brandon took an executive role in implementing the various accreditations required by the new standard including NVLAP and ISO, as well as in developing the Range operating procedures for the NIJ 0101.06 and NIJ 0115.00.  His many years of experience and technical insight helped ensure that the program would deliver accuracy, consistency, and reproducibility – the pinnacles of successful ballistic testing.


In 2010 Brandon felt that he could do more to assist the ballistics industry and decided that it was time to leave the laboratory to form Contra Threat Sciences, LLP.


Together Adam and Brandon Williamson offer over 35 years of combined experience in the defense, law enforcement, and testing industry.  As specialists in testing, armor, ballistics, firearms, and ammunition, Contra Threat Sciences is your resource for experienced, professional consulting.

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